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Our Governors

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

The governing body's aim is to take a largely strategic role in the running of a school.

This includes deciding what they would like the school to achieve and setting the strategic framework for getting there.

This includes:

  • Setting suitable aims and objectives for the school.
  • Agreeing policies, targets and priorities.
  • Monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives, and whether the policies, targets and priorities are being achieved.
  • Acting as a 'critical friend' to the heads of the school by providing advice and support.

In addition, a sub pay committee is convened when required.

The role of the Link Governor is to provide a link between the Governing Board and the school. When Link Governors visit the school and report back to the Governing Board they help to deepen all governors’ understanding of how the school operates, how the strategic objectives are being pursued, how financial resources are being used and what extra support the school may need to meet its objectives.

Governor name Appointed by

Committe Membership

Governor links

Term of office start date
Mrs S Ali Parent Governor   20.11.2024
Mrs R Begum Parent Governor   20.11.2024
Mrs F Cave Local Authority Governor Co Chair, Safeguarding, EYFS, HT Appraisal 23.09.2019
Miss L Gordon Co-opted Governor Vice Chair, Attendance, SEND, Pay Committee 08.03.2018
Miss J Jarvis Staff Governor   04.11.2024
Mr C Lawrence Co-opted Governor   04.12.2024
Mrs E Lubin Co-opted Governor   11.10.2022
Miss A Oyagbohun Clerk    
Mr A Spence Co-opted Governor Co Chair, Pay Committee 09.12.2021
Mr J Wright Headteacher   02.09.2024