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RHE at James Watt Primary School is focused on the wellbeing of our children, providing them with opportunities to talk about feelings, build resilience and feel happy and safe within our school community.

The curriculum aims to develop our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding of the world. Each year group covers four areas of focus: relationships, staying safe, health and well-being and the wider world. This allows our children, from nursery through to year 6, to develop their knowledge and understanding as they move through our school, and ensuring that learning is revisited and reinforced.


We want our children to have secure and stable relationships that will provide them with a sense of belonging. In KS1 lessons focus on the importance of families and friendship. Children learn about what healthy relationships look like and the positive impact that they have. In KS2 children look at the importance of community links and also learn how to recognise and manage negative relationships.

Staying safe

Knowing how to stay safe is a crucial skill which we believe is essential for all children. In KS1 children are taught how to recognise safe and unsafe situations and who they can speak to for help. In KS2 we examine the issue of bullying and the importance of online safety.

Health and well-being

We ensure that children learn about leading a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. In years 1 to 4 the children are taught about healthy eating and the importance of exercise as well as how to maintain positive mental health. In years 5 and 6 we focus on the effects of legal and illegal drugs and ensure that the children know where to go for help within the local community.

The wider world

Our pupils are the children of the future and it is important to help them recognise the influence that they have on our beautiful world and the responsibility they have to look after our planet. In KS1 the children learn about how they can have a positive impact on the local environment and the steps that they can take to encourage local wildlife into the area. In KS2 learning focuses on the global sustainable development goals and the ways in which we can reverse the damage that humans have caused to the planet.

The entire curriculum is underpinned by a strong focus on the teaching of British values and respect for all cultures reflected in modern Britain. We consider it vital that our pupils know how to conduct themselves as strong, honest and law-abiding citizens and have pride in themselves, their communities and their country. As a school within a diverse community, we believe that this is a fundamental skill which will allow our children to become global citizens.