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The School Day

The school gates open at 8.30am, with all children expected to be on site by 8.45am. As children arrive on site, they begin doing their mile walk. There is a toast/bagel station for anyone that requires an extra breakfast boost. At 8.45am (sometimes before, depending on the weather) the children walk to the classes to register and begin their learning.

Time Event
8.30am School gates open, children begin their daily mile.
8.45am Children enter school
8.55am Lessons start
10.45am Break time
11.00am Lessons start
12.00pm Lunch time
1.00pm Lessons start
2.45pm Assembly
3.20pm End of the day


Magic Breakfast

From 8am to 8.30 every morning we run 'Magic Breakfast'. This is a free breakfast club initiative that we operate for our pupils. Parents/carers can register with the school office and then book in to attend the sessions. 

The sessions consist of the children coming and making breakfast (cerals, toast, bagels, crumpets, fruit and drink on offer) and then some time playing games, doing arts and crafts or participating in some physical activity either in the hall or on the playground. Ensuring that they are well fed and well prepared for their day at school. 

After School and Lunchtime Clubs

At James Watt Primary School, we offer a wide range of after school and lunchtime clubs. The clubs are run by members of school staff and they are changed each half term allowing a wide range of sports and activities to be covered.  These include football, cricket, netball, athletics, multi sports, eco club, circus skills, rugby to name a few.