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Headteacher's Welcome

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to James Watt Primary School. We want everybody at James Watt Primary School to have the opportunity to be the best version of themselves. We have high aspirations and expectations for our pupils, staff and parents. We pride ourselves in being a welcoming school and celebrate being part of such a wonderfully diverse and culturally rich community, which is reflected in our curriculum. 

At James Watt we understand the importance of both academic achievement but also see great importance in the wider opportunities that we can deliver to our pupils such as theatre trips, author visits, residentials and more.

We also want our pupils to be ready for life in the outside World and take an interest in key areas such as sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint. From creating a team of Eco Champions to going meat free twice a week, at James Watt we want to do our bit to make everyone's future better.

If you would like to come and see the school for yourself, please make an appointment with the school office. I would love to show you around.

Mr J Wright