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School Dinners

Meals are free for children in Reception, Years 1 and Years 2.

£1.80 per day for children in Nursery and £2.20 per day for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. 

Our school kitchen is run in-house by our fully trained, experienced Catering Manager and her team. We offer excellent, well balanced, healthy school meals with a choice of hot food and a daily salad bar. All dishes are prepared on the premises using fresh ingredients, including locally sourced fresh fruit and vegetables. Children are actively encouraged to try new things as well as old favourites. However, we are also aware of the value of educating children to appreciate that everything is good in moderation; therefore each Friday is a “Fun” meal.  We also have themed lunches when we offer the opportunity to try food from other countries such as Caribbean, China and India.

We are more than willing to accommodate those with special dietary requirements.

Children starting school and staying for cooked meals are expected to be capable of handling a knife and fork and feeding themselves. 

Facilities are also available for children who prefer to bring a packed lunch. 

Payment of Dinner Money

It is our policy that all dinner monies must be paid in advance. This can be weekly, monthly or half-termly and can be paid via School Gateway. You will need an unique invitation code to set up your school Gateway Pay account. If you have not yet received a registration invitation, please contact the schools office.

Free School Meals

Families who receive certain benefits may be eligible for free school meals and should complete their application here.

Our Current Menus

Our school offers a multiple-choice menu which rotates every three weeks.