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Contact Details

James Watt Primary School

Boulton Road




Telephone: 0121 4644736

Email: enquiry@jameswattp.bham.sch.uk

Please send general enquiries to our Office Staff: .

Office Hours:

During term time our school office is open for enquiries from: 

8:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday

Paper copies of the information on the school website can be provided free of charge.

The Headteacher is Mr. J Wright

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mr D Russell.

The Co Chairs of Governors are: .  Mr A Spence & Mrs F Cave

They can be contacted via the school office email address.


The school car park is for staff only and visiting professionals between 8am and 5pm.  Parents are asked to park courteously on the surrounding roads, respecting driveways of local residents and businesses.  Where there is a registered disability or medical need, the school hope to accommodate parents at drop off and pick up times.