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Music is a powerful tool that enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development. It provides links to the wider world and encourages children to appreciate and understand different cultures, as well as develop their own identity.  At James Watt Primary School, we endeavor to achieve the National Curriculum aims through our curriculum.


  • evoke a creative response to music through experimentation e.g. performing, composing, appraising and movement
  • provide appropriate activities for children to progress through musical skills
  • develop an awareness of different cultures and traditions through their music
  • broaden understanding of a wide variety of musical styles
  • encourage the enjoyment of music and provide the opportunities to express ideas and feelings through music
  • play a variety of instruments, including percussion and tuned instruments
  • develop singing voices and understand different types of singing
  • offer pupils the opportunity to experience personal satisfaction through making music together and to develop the skills necessary to achieve the highest possible standards

In order to meet these aims, we follow a scheme of work, which enables the pupils to perform using instruments and their voices, in small groups or as a class and develops their knowledge and skills in reading and playing music. As they progress through the school, they build on skills and prior learning, whilst being exposed to new musical styles and genres.

The scheme also allows for whole classes to learn an instrument together, including an introduction to reading music and being aware of the musical structures.  

We find that, through taking part in this curriculum, the pupils enjoy the interactive sessions and learning about different music styles. Our pupils can confidently talk about a range of music, popular artists and songs and identify a number of key instruments.