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Pupil Leadership

At James Watt Primary School we believe the best schools have a pupil-led culture where children take on key leadership roles and get their voice heard. Over the years we have wholeheartedly valued the work of our pupil leaders, using it to shape the teaching and learning that happens at our schools. We are moulding leaders of the future, ready for work,  ready for the world.

Our aim is for our children to have the opportunity to make their voices heard and have an input into policies, lessons and school culture to be recognised and utilised. By having a platform to be leaders around the school, we hope it will give our children the drive and confidence to apply these skills in school and other group settings, at secondary school and in employment, ensuring that they become successful members of the local and global community in the 21st century. 

Young People's Parliament

Eco Champions

Big Me (Mentoring Programme)